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歌曲《Christmas Time Again》的歌词

发布人  jita123    时间  2022-10-16 21:00:46    浏览数 108    评论数 0

Christmas Time Again歌曲歌词完整版,是Ashanti演唱的歌曲,发布于Ashantis Christmas,以下是这首歌词的内容:


"Christmas Time Again"



Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear all the slay bells ringing.

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear those slay bells ringing

Its kinda cold outside but its alright

cause its christmas time.

So let the snow begin to decorate the city

christmas time is oh so pretty,i love.

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear all the slay bells ringing.

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear those slay bells ringing

The house is filled with cheer

cause were all here

tryna guess what things we got this year.

The kids can’t wait to see

if santa left a shiney box underneath the christmas tree.

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear all the slay bells ringing.

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear those slay bells ringing

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear all the slay bells ringing.

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear those slay bells ringing


…ashanti talking…

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear all the slay bells ringing.

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear those slay bells ringing

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear all the slay bells ringing.

Its christmas time again,

can’t wait to hear those slay bells ringing

can’t wait to hear those slay bells ringing

歌曲《Christmas Time Again》的歌词
《Ashanti´s Christmas》是这样一张专辑,它不仅适合圣诞,随时随地聆听都会从中获得欣然纯真的欢乐。严格来讲,这不是一张合格的圣诞专辑,毕竟这些圣诞歌曲被改编的太流行了。但是,专辑通篇充斥着浓郁的R&B香甜,让《Ashanti´s Christmas》拥有无懈可击的可听性。\r如果说,有一张圣诞专辑,可以带来圣诞节温馨美好的意境,《Ashanti’s Christmas》显然是一个不错的选择。作为Ashanti的第三张录音室作品,这张专辑,充分发挥了Ashanti声音的迷人魅力。没有可爱的童声,没有磅礴的唱诗班,没有复杂的编曲,没有零乱的配器,在其中,只有Ashanti迷人的声线,和钢琴应合而已。这是一张简单的专辑,就像圣诞节只需要快乐一样,然而,却在一片芸芸众生之中,展现其独特的感染力。\r无论是新歌亦或是翻唱的经典圣诞歌曲,Ashanti均摒弃了前两张专辑中颇富力度的唱腔,最大程度的发挥了中音区甜美的特色,一个普通女孩儿对圣诞的渴望和期待,顿时感染至内心深处,温馨亲切的氛围,即使是再挑剔的耳朵,也足以俘获。淡淡R&B的味道穿梭其中,却又贯穿始终,这份惬意之感,又岂是唱诗班可以带来的。\r即使窗外是冰天雪地,即使是一个人的圣诞,《The Christmas Song》中,Ashanti暖暖的假音,仿佛阳光亲吻着肌肤,天使在耳边私语,就这么懒洋洋的摊在躺椅中,被音乐包围,也是一种享受。\r小女孩的俏皮和狡黠,在《Hey Santa》中得以完美展现。响指搭配简单的歌词和上口的旋律,不到两分钟的歌曲,却有让人反复聆听的冲动。\r《This Christmas》中整齐的击掌,简单的键盘,简单的一首R&B小调,实在让人心动不已,身体不由自主随着节奏摇摆。\r充满爵士味道的《Winter Wonderland》在Ashanti柔软的声音下,让人不由自主的醉在冬季的午后阳光下。\r大众化的流行曲当然也是必不可少,《Time Of Year》就是这样一首歌曲,听后让人心生感叹,家确实是全世界最美好的地方。\r传统歌曲《We Wish You A Merry Christmas》结束了整张专辑,然而温馨尤存,充满了整个房间。\r现代的圣诞,在非基督教徒的心中,全然代表着欢乐和祝福,《Ashanti’s Christmas》中几乎听不到基督徒对耶稣的狂热和礼赞,也许在基督徒眼中,这是一张很无味的内容肤浅的专辑吧。然而,对流行乐迷来说,《Ashanti’s Christmas》中充满着温馨和欢快的气氛,里面唱到了对家庭的祝福,对朋友的祝福,甚至有些令自己面红耳赤的可爱天真的愿望。\r Ashanti的甜美声音,展现出小女生般甜美的气质,引起儿时的景象一幕幕重现,让感恩的心更加笃定,心中一点点的小失落过后,脸上展现出的微笑,是会心且迷人的。是的,对于大多数非基督徒来说,圣洁的童声和磅礴的唱诗班并不重要,在这个即将到来的亲朋团聚的日子里,《Ashanti’s Christmas》让一切都变得如此迷人。\r当《Ashanti’s Christmas》的每一个音符从音箱中缓缓流出,只想对你说句:Merry Christmas!


