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歌曲《Dirty Old…Dog [1966](Album Version)》的歌词

发布人  jita123    时间  2022-10-18 08:30:14    浏览数 106    评论数 0

Dirty Old…Dog [1966](Album Version)歌曲歌词完整版,是Randy&Brent&罗中旭演唱的歌曲,发布于Ring Of Fire: The Musical,以下是这首歌词的内容:

Dirty Old Dog – Randy

Well he’s not very handsome to look at

Oh he’s shaggy and he eats like a hog

And he’s always killing my chickens

That dirty old egg-sucking dog

Egg-sucking dog

I’m gonna stomp your head in the ground

If you don’t stay out of my hen house

You dirty old egg-sucking hound

Now if he don’t stop eating my eggs up

Though I’m not a real bad guy

I’m gonna get my riffle and send him

To that great chicken house in the sky

歌曲《Dirty Old...Dog [1966](Album Version)》的歌词


